Rebecka Elin Rebecka Elin

Lady of the Lake

I have lived most of my adult life in the British Isles, more specifically London. This is where I found my spiritual awakening and my interest in mythology.

I therefore feel a special connection to those lands and to the mythologies found there.

The Lady of the Lake is a fairy-like enchantress in the Arthurian Legends who lives in a castle beneath a lake around the island of Avalon. She gave the sword Excalibur to Arthur, which is attributed with magical powers and the true sovereignty of Britain.

As a hypnotherapist I am highly aware of the power of our subconscious mind over our conscious mind.

In Celtic mythology the otherworlds of the fairies, elves and god-like creatures are often described as being underground, such as the fairy mounds that are the homes of the supernatural race Aos sí. This is also the case in the stories about the Lady of the Lake who lives in her fairy realm beneath the lake. Water usually symbolising emotions and the castle beneath the lake could be used as a metaphor for the subconscious.

The sword can be seen to symbolise the power and authority that the subconscious wields over us and if we become aware of our subconscious patterns we can gain some power back to be able to influence our subconscious and transform ourselves, by regaining control of our subconscious patterns.

My 3 month long offering Divine Feminine Ancestry and Soul Lineage is back. We will go deeper into how we can use our own ancestral mythologies as catalysts for transformation within ourselves. Along with video teachings, you will be able to access your subconscious through guided mediations and hypnotherapy. Learn more here.

May the Divine Feminine rise from all ancestry lines and soul lineages...

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Rebecka Elin Rebecka Elin

Feminine nature spirits

I have always felt that there is a mystical presence in the forest, by a lake or by the sea, as if you are not completely alone, even when there is no one else around. It installs a feeling of respect as if I know that I’m in a domain where I, as a human, need to be vigilant and show respect.

In Swedish Folklore my blood ancestors named this presence and personified it as the Skogsrå, Sjörå and Havsrå (skog = forest, sjö = lake, hav = sea, rå = guardian/keeper). They are benevolent if you show respect to the landscape, that they are the guardians of. If you do not, there might be dire consequences.

These guardian spirits are depicted as female or feminine energies. There are some male nature and farm spirits in Scandinavian Folklore. But for the forest, the lake and the sea I feel it’s appropriate to see them as feminine energies and as aspects of the great Earth mother. They can also be seen as ‘elementals’ instead of spirits or as nature deities, which is something that many cultures have in their mythologies in different forms, often in female form.

The Scandinavian female nature spirits were seen as sexually deviant and as creatures who lured men with their seductive powers. Forces of nature are powerful and uncontrollable. Female sexuality has also historically been seen as dangerous, deviant and even something that needs to be controlled. It is often still looked at as, if not deviant, then at least mysterious and perplexing.

By reconnecting to these personifications of nature in our own ancestral cultures we can reconnect to the natural forces themselves and to our own sacred sexuality and connection to the Earth as our primal mother.

May the Divine Feminine rise from all ancestry lines and soul lineages...

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Rebecka Elin Rebecka Elin

What are the Akashic Records and why would we want to remember past lives

The Akashic Records are the ethereal records of all events, lives, actions, feelings and experiences that have ever occurred since the beginning of time, and it may even contain the possibilities if what will occur.

There are versions of these records mentioned in most religions and spiritual belief systems. In Christianity they are called the Book of Life (“In the last days these books shall be opened.”). In the Tibetan tradition there are the Etheric Records and in Jewish beliefs the Book of Remembrance.

I believe that our souls reincarnate as a way to expand the consciousness of our Source/God/Universal Consciousness that we are all a part of. I believe God experiences through us and our different incarnations.

We forget most of our other lifetimes when we are born into this life. We are probably meant to mostly forget because if we remembered everything it would possibly interfere with the new life experience we are having, especially if we are not ready for that information.

Each life is meant to feel new. However, our higher selves still remember everything and uses the memories and wisdom from all of our lives to guide us in this life. These memories are also stored in our subconscious and we have access to them.

Because we are all one in true Reality, I do not think it is as simple as one soul reincarnating in specific lifetimes, although I believe our soul's blueprint relate more to certain lives than others.

In my view, we move in soul groups and several different individuals may be able to tap into the same historical lifetime. It is bigger than just one isolated soul's journey, which can easily be used as an ego tool to make ourselves special in relation to others. When we tap into universal consciousness, we expand our view and we are then able to tap into more than we expected.

Even so, I really do believe we see actual historical lifetimes when we experience a past life regression and for those of us who are really interested in history, this is a gold mine of knowledge.

So why would we want to access these memories now? I think many of us are open and ready to receive some of this information about our soul’s many lives, to open our book of life, to expand our view of who we are and to realise our oneness with everyone and everything. It moves us beyond our limited perception of ourselves and opens us to a new way of looking at life.


Artwork by Gilbert Williams from Oracle of the Hidden Worlds

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Rebecka Elin Rebecka Elin

She is a being not of this world...

”She is a being not of this world,...She tried to live like an ordinary woman; but some women cannot live an ordinary life. She tried to walk in the common ways; but some women cannot put their feet to that path.”

~ Quote from The Lady of the Rivers by Philippa Gregory, Photography by Nils-Olof Tägt

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Mysticism Rebecka Elin Mysticism Rebecka Elin

The message of the crucifixion...

When Yeshua went through the most gruesome, horrible human trial that anyone can go through, he found peace, love and forgiveness in the middle of it. For me the lesson is this, if he could do that in the face of violent death, and as the story (or myth if you like) goes, even overcame physical death, then we can find love, peace and forgiveness in every little ego death and less severe human trials that we face every day. He was here to show us this through the most extreme example.

Simply put:

"The message of the crucifixion is perfectly clear: Teach only love, for that is what you are. If you interpret the crucifixion in any other way, you are using it as a weapon for assault rather than as the call for peace for which it was intended."

~ A Course in Miracles

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Mysticism Rebecka Elin Mysticism Rebecka Elin

One Day...

One day all that is hidden will be clear as day.

What now resides in the land of dusk

will shine in the light of dawn.

How easy our path will be,

carrying us swiftly to that holy place

where we finally belong.

~ My own translation from Swedish of a poem by my great-uncle Lasse Forsberg

Art by Michael Pickett

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Mysticism Rebecka Elin Mysticism Rebecka Elin


We are all different faces of the same God, playing out different roles and experiences, equally loved by the one Source.

We relate more to some than others because of similarity in energy and frequency, but we are all one.

It’s a dream, a play. Some of us wake up in the dream, becoming conscious of our oneness with Spirit, which is infinite Love, and with everyone else.

We still play our roles and might even play around in different roles within one lifetime, all the while conscious when doing it.

This is awakening. Nothing more, nothing less…

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Mysticism Rebecka Elin Mysticism Rebecka Elin

Maria Magdalena

I went for a wintry walk in central Stockholm this week, my home town since last year, and also the city where I was born. I have never lived here as an adult until now so I am still learning my bearings. I was with my mum who planned for us to walk to a specific cafe she likes.

When we got there and sat down by the window I looked across the street at the large church building we just passed, situated just opposite the cafe. Nothing peculiar about it. Stockholm is full of old churches. Even so, I asked my mum what the name of the church is (she knows almost everything about Stockholm). She said most churches in Stockholm are named after old Swedish kings and queens, but this one is an exception.

The name of the church: Maria Magdalena.

I smiled to myself and thought ‘Of course it is’. I have been on a Magdalene awakening path for some time, reading books, listening to teachings, but lately she’s been with me more acutely, sending me clear signs, because I asked her to.

After coffee we went inside the church and because I have become so aware of Magdalene/Grail symbolism I saw it straight away: Fleur-de-lis, the Knights Templar cross, roses, pentacles. I feel like I now have ‘eyes to See’ when even a few years ago I wouldn’t have to the same extent.

I’m excited to continue looking and seeing.

Art by Linzy Arnott ~ Mary Magdalene

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Mysticism Rebecka Elin Mysticism Rebecka Elin

Saint Lucia ~ The Light Bringer

Tomorrow 13th December is the Feast Day of Saint Lucia or Saint Lucy. She is saint and early Christian martyr who lived between the years 283 AD and 304 AD in Syracuse on the island of Sicily in the Roman Empire. Her name comes form the latin word lux meaning light.

As a context to this, the Christianity that existed in the first 3 centuries AD was not the Christianity that we know and have seen in the last 1700 years.

The Roman Empire officially adopted Christianity in 380 AD and it was granted legal status by the emperor Constantine only about 70 years before that. This was the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church and all of the institutional religious Christianity that followed.

So in that context, Lucia lived before this time, and was one of the last martyrs to die in the last persecution of Christians by the Roman Empire (not the last ever persecution of Christians).

The Christianity before 300 AD was naturally closer to the original teachings, and had more in common with Gnostic thought, although there were already groups who had a more in common with Orthodox Christianity.

In many ways, Christianity was an underground grass roots movement and they met in secret in the Catacombs (underground tunnels). There are also records of women being bishops in the early Christian communities but this is another story for another post. The heavily patriarchal aspect came later.

The irony is that Lucia became a saint in the very same Catholic Church that would possibly have seen her and her peers as heretics if she would have lived later.

The story goes that Lucia came from a wealthy Christian family but was promised to marry a non-Christian when her father died and the family was without a male guardian. She instead vowed to remain unmarried and to give her dowry to Christians who were hiding from persecution in the catacombs.

Lucia wore a crown of candles to light her way through the underground tunnels and brought food to the people hiding. The man who was meant to marry her subsequently reported her to the Roman authorities and they decided to have her sold into slavery as punishment. The legend has it that the guards who came to arrest her were not able to remove her. They then decided to kill her immediately by pouring oil over her and setting her on fire, but she wouldn't burn. They were finally able to kill her by sword. Later stories say that Lucia foretold the end of persecution before her death.

The miraculous things that she did when they tried to kill her, if true, shows that she was a spiritual master. What happened to her shows resemblance to later persecutions of spiritually adept women, and some men, during the Inquisition and the so called Witch Burnings or Burning Times.

If Lucia had lived and been persecuted during the Inquisition she would very likely have been seen as a witch for her spiritual powers. The institutionalised Churches at the time of the Inquisition did not want people to have a direct connection with God or their own Divine Source, what is also called Gnosis - direct experience of the Divine.

Saint Lucia Day has become a lasting tradition in Sweden, my home country, and it has become linked to Jul (Christmas) and advent. Girls dress up as Saint Lucia, with a crown of candles, a white robe like dress and and a red belt to symbolise her martyrdom.

It’s unclear why it has become a tradition here but most probably it’s because she is a light bringer, and because December is so dark and cold in Scandinavia, this is very welcomed.

13th December used to fall on the Winter Solstice, which is now 21st December. There may also be links to the Norse goddess Sol or Sunna, who’s name means sun and represents the return of lighter days.

13th December has been seen in Swedish folk tradition as a night when the veil to the spiritual realm is especially thin. During the celebrations children, and some adults, also dress up as angels or tomtar, a type of elemental beings in Swedish folklore slightly similar to the gnomes. I love and embrace all of the different layers and the syncretism of this holiday.

On the beginning of this particular light portal of December 2020 I invite Saint Lucia to guide us and for the angels and elementals to be present.

Art by Theophilia, Unknown and Lennart Helje

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Rebecka Elin Rebecka Elin

Hel and the embodiment of our shadow

Hel, sometimes called Hela, is the queen of the underworld and of the dead in Norse Mythology. She rules over the world Hel or Helheim.

I will not get into the ins and outs of the Norse mythology surrounding why she became queen of the underworld here. Instead I want to talk about her being depicted as half flesh coloured and beautiful and half blue and corpse like. I believe the latter represents her shadow self, which she has fully integrated and embraced and is partially embodying.

The shadow is the subconscious and unconscious part of us. It houses desires that we are ashamed of and the repressed parts of us that we or the world around us deem unacceptable. It’s also the realm of a lot of untapped potential. The origin of the word Hel means ‘concealed place, the underworld’. She encourages us to look at and love our shadow self, to be whole, to bring the shadow to light.

In my native language Swedish, which derives from Old Norse language, ‘hel’ means ‘whole’ and ‘hela’ means ‘to heal’. Although Hel’s name is said to derive from a different source, I don’t believe there are any coincidences.

One of my teachers, Lorie Ladd, recently said that ‘the only way through this ascension process on Earth is into the shadow within yourself.’ This resonated with me a lot and Hel, or other Dark Goddesses, can help you with this, if you let her.

Photography by my dad of myself as Hel

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Rebecka Elin Rebecka Elin

Archangel Michael

This week is Michaelmas in the Christian tradition or the Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.

Archangel Michael is a constant companion for me at this point. I have many guides that I turn to, both those I know the name of and those I don't yet consciously know, but my number one go to guide that I call on and turn to when I need some extra help or guidance is Archangel Michael. After all, he is referred to as the leader of all angels so if you're going to call on unseen forces, you can't go wrong with Michael.

There is a clarity and reassurance about him that really appeals to me. Most of the time I don't see my guides, as some people might, but I feel their presence and receive guidance in the form of signs and symbols and feelings when I ask for it. But a couple of years ago I did an Archangel Michael guided meditation with one of my mentors and I actually saw him in my inner eye and felt his presence very strongly.

His appearance surprised me since it was nothing like the humanlike depictions you see in art. He was big, appeared very physical but not human at all. He had a human proportioned body but almost appeared as what we might call an alien. He had no hair, no actual face and his skin emanated a translucent blue colour. He had large wings that were the same blue skin-like texture as his body.

The way I saw him was the way he showed himself to me. When talking about angels, we have to remember that they are other-dimensional energies, not physical. Therefore if they do show themselves to us in visions, they can appear differently to different people.

The most interesting part of this experience was not the vision I saw but the visceral sensations I had when he was standing in front of me. I could feel that my solar plexus chakra, relating to personal power, authenticity and confidence was being rearranged and that he was working on me. It was such a strong experience that I still remember it almost in detail.

Since then he has never failed to reassure me of his presence whenever I feel like asking for his help.

Who is your go to spirit guide or angel?

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Rebecka Elin Rebecka Elin

Cardi B and the embodiment of Lilith

Lets talk about the Lilith symbolism in Cardi B’s latest music video.

Lilith was Adam’s first wife, the first woman on Earth, or the first emanation of the earthly feminine, and she was created at the same time as Adam as his equal. The mythology goes that Lilith refused to be subservient to Adam, including sexually, since she was created as his equal, and because of that she flew away from Eden into the desert (fair enough). She is often depicted in art with a serpent wrapped around her.

The creation story isn’t what we think it is and the serpent in the Book of Genesis story is not necessarily what religion tells us it is either. Serpents in mythology are intricately connected to the feminine and women. Lilith is sometimes seen as being the serpent who is trying to awaken Eve out of her slumber and away from dependency on a false god. And yes, I am referring to the god of the Book of Genesis as a false god because the infinite, eternal Mother/Father God would never be jealous and would never punish its children.

Lilith symbolises wanton sexual power, sexual freedom and self expression. She has understandably been demonised by the patriarchal religious tradition and her role as the original unshackled wild feminine was turned into something else. But Lilith is slowly returning, in many different embodiments.

Cardi B’s and Megan Thee Stallion’s video has clear Lilith symbology: Serpents wrapped around their almost naked bodies while they are lying on sand in a room looking like a desert. Sexually powerful poses and expressions of powerful feminine sexuality. Animals throughout the video, which can be an expression of the untamed feminine nature.

Does it make some people uncomfortable? Yes. Lilith is not here to make us comfortable but I also think she likes to have fun and wants us to lighten up.

Whether Cardi B, or the people directing the video, are consciously aware of the Lilith symbology or not is not necessarily relevant. What is relevant is that it’s there, and in my eyes she is still embodying this archetype in the video and lyrics. Sometimes we have to look beyond the initial surface impression to get to the mythos being enacted.

The Goddess comes in multiple forms. The rising of the Divine Feminine in all her aspects is not limited to just some archetypes. It has to include all. What I would call the Lilith wound is something that has been internalised in many lineages for so long; the shaming and suppression of feminine sexuality and women’s sexual expression. This is slowly being released but sometimes it needs an extra push.

Even if you don’t resonate with the particular expression of sexuality that Cardi B chooses to embody here, the energetic push lies in that female sexuality gets to express itself however it wants to. It gets to have fun and not take itself too seriously while at the same time taking up the space it deserves and be completely unapologetic about it.

*Since writing this I have realised that they are also channelling the African deity Mami Wata. I have to admit that because of my Western/European lensing all I saw was Lilith at first. I still believe she is there but so is Mami Wata.

Art by Katherine Skaggs, John Collier, Cardi B and Unknown

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Mysticism Rebecka Elin Mysticism Rebecka Elin

The lesser travelled path of the mystic...

”While the lesser travelled path of the mystic is my preferred choice, I do not invalidate the journey of those pilgrims who have not passed through the internal door of gnosis. It is not a matter of one path being better than the other is. The question becomes: is there a readiness to embrace the same experiences that enlightened Yeshua and his close companions.” (from Anna, Grandmother of Jesus by Claire Heartsong)

The lesser travelled path of the mystic is also my preferred choice. Sometimes I wish it was different, but there is no going back. The more comfortable path for me would have been to stay in the Christian church tradition that I grew up in. The truth is, sometimes I envy church going Christians who are part of a congregation. They have a community that they can always turn to and they have teachings that seem very established to hold on to when they need support. I respect their commitment to their path and their path is just as valid as mine.

My path is more lonely, less travelled, less secure but because I stepped onto it knowing that I am never truly alone I will keep going.

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Mysticism Rebecka Elin Mysticism Rebecka Elin

Timeline Choice...

What I keep hearing from my teachers and feeling myself is that there are right now two timelines existing simultaneously.

We naturally fluctuate between the two timelines but in every moment you have a choice between the two: one of fear and limitation and one of freedom, love and peace.

Wherever you find yourself at any time is fine but remember that you have a sovereign choice in every moment regardless of the circumstances around you.

The two timelines are both here now, neither of them are separated from this world but the second one requires a vision that looks beyond the veil. It's not out there, it's inside of you.

"This world has much to offer to your peace, and many chances to extend your own forgiveness. Such its purpose is, to those who want to see peace and forgiveness descend on them, and offer them the light." ~A Course in Miracles

Untitled design.png
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Mysticism Rebecka Elin Mysticism Rebecka Elin

You are as God created you...

"You are as God created you. These words dispel the night, and darkness is no more. The light is come today to bless the world. For you have recognized the Son of God, and in that recognition is the world's." (A Course in Miracles)

I have studied ACIM for six years but the words take on deeper meanings the more my spiritual journey progresses. When we realise our divinity and that God dwells within us, the world also wakes up. Gaia wakes up and starts becoming aware of herself.

This is the core of lightwork, recognising our own divinity and that we are the 'Son of God', the anointed 'one', as a collective. Everyone has this within them because nothing exists without it. The only difference is that we are blessed to have consciously realised this.

Artist Unknown

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Rebecka Elin Rebecka Elin

Ostara ~ Goddess of spring and rebirth

April is my favourite time of the year and the month I was born in. Growing up in Northern Europe I absolutely adore that first sense of spring in the air, when the ground is warming up and releases that sweet, earthy smell and the days are getting lighter and milder. I have always related April to new beginnings and rebirth.

April is also the season of the Germanic Goddess Ostara or Eostre who personifies this. She is the Goddess of spring, dawn, renewal, fertility and rebirth. Her symbols are the hare, the full moon and eggs. She is part of the maiden aspect of the triple Goddess.

The Christian Easter dates are still determined by the phase of the moon and has borrowed its name from the goddess of spring herself. Even the hormone Eostrogen that is essential for women's fertility has been named after her.

In my research about the Divine Feminine within our ancestries I keep getting amazed by the richness of the Goddess traditions in all of our ancestries and how much it still influences and even created so many of our traditions and practises that we take for granted. The Goddess was always there and still is...

Art by Mickie Mueller

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Mysticism Rebecka Elin Mysticism Rebecka Elin

The crucifixion

"The message of the crucifixion is perfectly clear: Teach only love, for that is what you are. If you interpret the crucifixion in any other way, you are using it as a weapon for assault rather than as the call for peace for which it was intended."

"There is no death. The Son of God is free."

~ A Course in Miracles

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Rebecka Elin Rebecka Elin

Venus, Lucifer and the dawning of a new era

I noticed that Venus has been shining very bright lately. I then heard others mentioning the same thing.

I see Venus as mythologically significant to what is happening right now. The dawning of a golden era is on the horizon when the Divine Feminine will be rising to its rightful place and Venus, The Morning Star, is lighting the way.

Venus is one symbol of the Divine Feminine and the mythology surrounding it includes a downfall, just as the star Venus descends in the sky and seemingly falls towards the Earth or the underworld.

Lucifer, the so called fallen angel, is one mythological figure representing Venus or the Divine Feminine. Lucifer did not want to obey or be subservient to the patriarchal god and was cast out of heaven. He is not to be confused with Satan but it is no surprise that he has been demonised just like Lilith, the first woman who did not want to submit to Adam. Lucifer means light-bringer, dawn-bringer or the shining one.

This casting out into the underworld is recurring in mythology about the ancient Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar and the Norse goddess Hel. I think it represents the time when the Divine Feminine was made secondary, was only allowed to exist underground and patriarchal religions took over.

The time for Venus to rise again has come and we are the bringers of the dawn...

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Rebecka Elin Rebecka Elin

The Sexual Priestesses are returning...

Sexual Priestesses or Sacred Prostitutes were revered in the ancient world. This was a time when the divine was worshipped as the Goddess, and feminine sexual energy was the key to spiritual enlightenment.

These women embodied divine love and they held great power. They knew that love was their true essence and through sacred sexual practices, whether physical or non-physical, they taught others this inner truth in the Temples of the Goddess. They were the spiritual leaders of the time. Even their presence ignited spiritual awakening within others.

When I started learning about these Priestesses I also started having soul remembrances. These are knowings that I have had my whole life but I have been socialised into a certain degree of shame around it.

Since the destruction of these temples and the earth and Goddess based practices, feminine sexuality has been inverted, or so it seems.

What was once one of the most sacred aspects of us has been made into something either shameful or shallow. What is most beautiful has been turned into something that is even considered grotesque.

But the Sexual Priestesses are returning and the Goddess is rising. We are remembering because the world is again ready for our power and we no longer need to be afraid of it...

May the Divine Feminine rise from all ancestry lines and soul lineages...

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Rebecka Elin Rebecka Elin

Why you have always wanted to be a mermaid...

Many of us have a feeling or remembrance in our being that we once were merbeings and mermaids who came to Earth from elsewhere, living in the seas. 

These are not just childish fantasies or wishful thinking. They are soul remembrances and there is a reason we are having them at this particular time. 

When I had a past life regression where I saw myself as a blue underwater being with wispy blue fins and a floaty fabric around my body, I didn't want to draw the conclusion at first that the vast blue space around me was water or that the light, non-human limbs seemingly floating in air were fins, because I knew I was biased. 

I have wanted to be a mermaid since I first saw The Little Mermaid when I was five. Although I never fully gave up the fantasy, it was pushed aside for many years until a few years into my spiritual awakening and the beginning of my starseed awakening.

Of course the vision in my past life regression was nothing like the cartoons. Even so, after some research and synchronistic guidance I realised clearly that what I saw myself as was an underwater being, possibly Mintakan from the constellation of Orion. 

The story goes that the blue water planet of Mintaka was destroyed and the Mintakans found a new home on the similar mostly blue and watery planet that we call Earth. There are other merbeings from Sirius and elsewhere who are also coming back at this time in human bodies. 

In my session before I had this vision, I was asked to go back to the times of Lemuria. Whether I was on Earth or elsewhere I had the strong feeling that it was a very feminine place and time, and that the beings had a strong feminine energy. The element of water itself is feminine, receptive, floaty, primordial and it literally births new life. 

The sea mothers are returning. They are the ancient ones from the stars, sent by the Cosmic Mother. 

We are not waiting for them. WE ARE THEM. We might not have fins or breathe underwater, but we carry the seed of the awakening Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness. 

We are here to initiate the Age of Aquarius, the next golden age, so that all beings may know themselves as one with the Cosmic Mother. 

May the Divine Feminine rise from all ancestry lines and soul lineages...

Art by: Cynthia Re Robbins ~ Mystical Mermaid

Art by: Cynthia Re Robbins ~ Mystical Mermaid

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