The Sexual Priestesses are returning...

Sexual Priestesses or Sacred Prostitutes were revered in the ancient world. This was a time when the divine was worshipped as the Goddess, and feminine sexual energy was the key to spiritual enlightenment.

These women embodied divine love and they held great power. They knew that love was their true essence and through sacred sexual practices, whether physical or non-physical, they taught others this inner truth in the Temples of the Goddess. They were the spiritual leaders of the time. Even their presence ignited spiritual awakening within others.

When I started learning about these Priestesses I also started having soul remembrances. These are knowings that I have had my whole life but I have been socialised into a certain degree of shame around it.

Since the destruction of these temples and the earth and Goddess based practices, feminine sexuality has been inverted, or so it seems.

What was once one of the most sacred aspects of us has been made into something either shameful or shallow. What is most beautiful has been turned into something that is even considered grotesque.

But the Sexual Priestesses are returning and the Goddess is rising. We are remembering because the world is again ready for our power and we no longer need to be afraid of it...

In the 3 month long Divine Feminine Ancestry & Soul Lineage course we jointly remember the Divine Feminine within our own ancestry and soul lineage. The circle is open for you to join until the new moon on 24th January. Learn more and sign up here.

May the Divine Feminine rise from all ancestry lines and soul lineages...


Venus, Lucifer and the dawning of a new era


Why you have always wanted to be a mermaid...