The problem with spiritual teachers
Just because someone seems to have spiritual insights, psychic abilities or visions that others don’t seem to have, it does not make them a person we should listen to. They may be worth listening to but they may as well not be. I am especially careful with spiritual leaders or teachers who seem too sure about what the truth is and that their perspective is the right one.
Spiritual pride is one of the worst and most insidious forms of pride, because it can hide behind a surface of enlightenment and righteousness. I am not referring to traditional religion here (although it can exist there too). I am referring to modern spiritual teachers and psychics. Discernment is very important when navigating that world.
A coach I listen to once said something along the lines of: ‘Any coach who does not lead you back to what feels right and true for you is not worth listening to’. This is something I keep in mind when listening to others.
I don’t have the truth either, I seek it just like you. We are all seekers and we can help each other in this. But mostly I seek that inner peace which I know is there because I’ve found it and have experienced it many times. I want to help you find it too.
We don’t need to know everything. Like Socrates is meant to have said: “All I know is that I know nothing.” That is also the whole point of mysticism for me. As long as we live this human life, there is meant to be some mystery to it.
Through meditation practices and finding a peace within, we can become more accepting of not knowing and more open to possibilities.