Self-centeredness is necessary
Self-centeredness is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s necessary. Hear me out.
For people, like so many women I know, who live their lives mostly for other people, doing everything for everyone else until they burn themselves out, self-centeredness is absolutely necessary.
For people who have always lived their lives acting selfish and giving no consideration to others apart from what others can do for them, narcissists and such, it’s a different story. But those are not the people I’m addressing here.
I’m talking about good hearted, compassionate, creative and often very ambitious women who have so many ideas and things they want to do and could do, often things that will help the world in some way. Because we are compassionate towards others we get easily derailed and put our own dreams aside.
We need to stop now. There is no time for that nonsense.
Center into yourself daily and come back to what it is you want in this life. What life do you want to live? What contributions do you want to make? When you forget or get distracted, as we all will, come back to it.
Even if you are not where you want to be now, start thinking about what you want, journal it out or just visualise it in your mind. Start taking small steps to do things for yourself more to get you into that centered state.
You have probably figured out by now that I relate to all of this myself. I have been there and it’s an ongoing practise to center into myself every day. If you forget one day, because life, then come back to it the next day.
One of the best ways to start doing this is through meditation, whether by yourself in silence or a guided meditation.
To paraphrase The Bible: ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added on.’ It also says ‘The Kingdom of God is within. ‘ In other words, seek that place in yourself where you are in your power and in your peace. Center into it and everything else is secondary.
Access my free Peace of Mind Meditation Series here.