Gaining perspective on this life through visiting past lives
When I do past life hypnotherapy on others and have it done on myself, I have found that we get led to experiences in other lifetimes that closely relate to what is active in our current lives. Like Abraham Hicks would say ‘we always receive what is most active in our vibration at any moment’.
I have come to believe that past life hypnotherapy is not so much about re-experiencing and healing the past lives. Instead it’s a powerful tool to realise what experiences and energies we are keeping up in our current lives, and be able to release their hold on us through seeing them from a higher perspective.
By going to a past life and seeing certain familiar emotions and life experiences in a different setting and context, in the relaxed state of hypnosis, we can more easily get distance to our current circumstances and be able to see it differently. When we are one step removed from it we’re more open to observing it without too much attachment. Our current life situation and circumstances can often feel too personal for us, so our subconscious takes a different route by working it out in a past life instead.
I believe we move in soul groups and several different individuals may be able to tap into the same historical lifetime. It is bigger than just one isolated soul's journey, which can easily be used as an ego tool to make ourselves special in relation to others. When we tap into universal consciousness, we expand our view and we are then able to tap into more than expected.
Even so, I really do believe we see actual historical lifetimes when we experience a past life regression. And because human emotions, issues and traumas in their essence are not just personal but something that has been experienced over and over by many others in different lives, we can use this archive of knowledge to gain perspective about our current life experience.