The soft life vs The path of least resistance

You might have heard about the internet trend ‘soft life’, which usually refers to women who don’t want to work too much and have an easy, soft life with a lot of leisure time. This may even come at the cost of independence.

I talk about de-stressing and finding inner peace and stopping ourselves from becoming exhausted or burnt out and from accepting all of the obligations that outer circumstances put on us. But I would not recommend the ‘soft life’ as it’s currently being presented. Even though I can understand parts of it, because it’s a reaction to women burning out and taking on too many responsibilities.

The kind of inner peace I talk about has nothing to do with not putting ourselves out there or not challenging ourselves. Having goals and dreams (whether big or small) is going to challenge us.

Learning to relax, de-stress and find inner peace is not about being too easy on yourself, being lazy or lowering expectations on our life and goals. 

It’s about increasing our expectations of ourselves and life, and realising stress and overload is not necessary to have the life that we want. 

It’s about expanding and seeing that there is another way of doing things. One that grows out of inner guidance that we find through stillness even if there is a lot going on in our outer world. 

It’s sometimes called the path of least resistance, most commonly used by Esther Hicks. For me, this does not mean giving up on our goals to make life easier on ourselves in the moment. It means doing more of what we are called to do instead of what we feel obliged to do. It will still be challenging at times, but there is an excitement behind it instead of obligation.


You are the ruler of your experience