The Divine Masculine and the True King Archetype
If we are going to talk about the divine feminine we also need to pay attention to her counterpart, the divine masculine. He can be found within ourselves as well as in other people around us.
The divine masculine energy holds space for the divine feminine to create and bloom. It’s strong but it doesn’t push its own agenda or try to control surroundings. It creates the practical circumstances and safe spaces for us to reach our highest potential. It opens doors and wants to be of service to the divine feminine creative force. Not in a subservient way but in co-creation.
This is where the true King archetype is. It is no coincidence that Yeshua (Jesus) is called a king because that is what he embodied. He was Christ Consciousness (the anointed), devoted to the Divine.
Kings don’t put other people down or control (this is the Weakling - passive shadow of the King Archetype - the shadow masculine, which is unfortunately something that is highly present in this world). Kings lift people and his surroundings up. It requires a sacrifice of the small self, or ego, for the good of others and it’s what Kara Gillighan calls a warrior art.
We all have this within us but sometimes we come across people who seem to embody this more than others. They are the true Kings of this world but are usually not seen in that way because they don’t hold themselves up as that.
Art by John Bauer