When I first started being conscious about my spiritual path around 6 years ago I didn't have any Tarot decks or Oracle cards. I didn't set up an altar or call in any particular deities or angels. I didn’t spend money on courses or join online spiritual communities. I didn’t have countless books on spirituality yet or burn incense every day.
The one thing I did do, and what I attribute me being led to all of these other things to, was meditate.
I had started following some holistic health bloggers because I was really interested in nutrition and holistic health. One of them mentioned that she meditates every morning. I had never tried and and thought I would give it a go.
All I did was to regularly sit down on the floor or on my sofa or bed, close my eyes and be quiet for about 10-15 minutes at first. I didn't follow any particular technique. Since then I have learnt Transcendental Meditation but I still sometimes use my own quiet meditation.
It didn’t take long for me to realise why meditation is a good idea. Not only did it clear my mind and made me more calm and much less stressed in my daily activities, which is reason enough to do it. I also often found myself in moments of complete bliss during meditation and felt a light, floating sensation and experienced that I am so much more than my physical body. I felt a sense of complete love and safety, hard to find in the physical ‘reality’.
As time went by and I continued to meditate every day, I found that I sometimes had this feeling even while going about activities and being around other people. I started noticing synchronicities and came across things that would become useful spiritual tools for me. One of those things was A Course in Miracles.
Fast forward a few years, I am now practising Tarot, spell-work and magic, learning Astrology, reading a lot of books on different spiritual topics and I’m continuing to study and also teach A Course in Miracles. I am following several spiritual coaches and teachers and have become one myself. I have also tried different meditation techniques and learnt Reiki healing and I communicate with my guides and angels daily.
I have been led to all of these things from connecting with my inner being, what can be called the kingdom of God if we want to get biblical.
What has always been consistent through all of this is my meditation practise. Without it, I can forget about any of these divination tools, techniques or books and I can certainly forget about trying to guide or help others in their spiritual work. Without going inwards in meditation and connecting to my ‘right mind’ or true being, all of these other things are distractions and paraphernalia.
So if I would give any advice for someone starting out and wondering where they should look and what they should read or do, look no further than yourself. Sit down on a chair, sofa, bed or floor and be still.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)