The Dark Goddess rising...
The Dark Goddess archetypes have significant similarities in different cultures and ancestral lineages, often connected to death and rebirth. She brings death to that which has to fall away for our true divine nature to spring forth. The darkness that she represents is powerful in its own right. It is not merely a lack of light.
The darkness of the Dark Goddess or the Primal Mother has its own life and is where all life, including light, is born. This is why Mother Mary is called the 'Mother of God'. She is one aspect of a primal feminine archetype, the mother of all things, hidden in plain sight within a seemingly patriarchal religion.
The Dark Goddess archetypes are specific personifications of the cosmic mother, the dark void where everything is conceived and that also has the power to destroy. Connecting with the Dark Goddess of our own ancestry is a process of stepping into our sovereignty. What the Dark Goddesses have in common is that they do not place themselves in relation to the masculine. She is sovereign in and of herself.
In Western cultures especially, the Dark Goddess has been demonised. The way that these archetypes have been portrayed in the West have been deeply influenced by institutionalised Christianity as well as patriarchal structures where women themselves are seen as sinful, coinciding with the moving away from Earth based, feminine spirituality and the persecution of witches and women healers. Even in a modern, secular context we can see how the fear of death can contribute to the fear of her. The following Dark Goddess archetypes have been more or less demonised:
Hel - Norse Queen of the Underworld and the dead.
Hekate - Greek Goddess of the night, the moon, witchcraft and necromancy.
The Morrigan - Celtic Raven Goddess of death, war, rebirth and sovereignty.
Lilith - Sumerian Goddess of sexual power, freedom and sovereignty.
From what I can see, this demonisation has not happened to the same extent with the Dark Goddess Kali Ma, who is still largely revered within Hinduism. This is a reflection of how the feminine has been repressed in Europe and the Western world while still revered in the East.
This persecution of the Dark Goddess is slowly being reversed. We are taking back the darkness as sacred, as holy in and of itself. The darkness brings peace and rest and enables us to go inward, to meet with our own inner Dark Goddess. She is not to be feared. She is to be embraced, because often only through encountering her can we lay aside what does not serve and be born anew.
If you would like to connect more deeply to the Dark Goddess archetypes of your ancestry, I have a 3 month offering where we will commune with our Divine Feminine Ancestry and Soul Lineage.
May the Divine Feminine rise from all ancestry lines and soul lineages...