
This is a journey into the magic, rituals and healing practices of our ancestors, regardless of where your ancestors are from. You will…

Be guided through ways to start to connect to and research your ancestral folk magic, rituals and healing practises. These practices often include a fusion of folk practices and religious rituals. This fusion of different practices existing side by side is called syncretism. In this free 3 day offering we’ll go more into detail about how this has formed many folk magic practices, such as Trolldom (Scandinavian folk magic).

I will use examples from my own Swedish ancestry to inspire you to connect with yours…

Day one:

Video introduction on connecting to our ancestral folk magic, rituals and healing traditions.

Day two:

Video ritual, an example of a spell and information on how to start using simple spells and rituals to enrich your life and the lives of those around you.

Day three:

Guided meditation to start activating your ancestral memory to remember your connection to the healing practices of your ancestors.
