Whether you have just started reading A Course in Miracles or have studied it for a while and feel that you want to go deeper by receiving guidance from someone who has studied the Course extensively, my 1-on-1 online sessions might be for you.
I have studied ACIM for 5 years and held workshops and talks about the principles of the Course and how it can be applied to everyday life.
Your study with ACIM is primarily a personal experience between you and the book as well as the Lessons in it. However, it can be beneficial to receive further tools in how to deepen your relationship with the Course from someone else who is experienced in reading it.
If you are interested in this please email miraclemoonhealing@gmail.com or fill out the Contact form below, detailing your experience with ACIM so far and what you would like to receive help with. I will be happy to offer a 30 min free no obligation Skype session to find clarity regarding your specific questions and discuss how many coaching sessions you would require.